Listing Number: 0873-441019
* Accepting Offers *
Founded in 2013, this innovative platform is dedicated to helping travelers create flexible, personalized itineraries. Unlike typical travel sites, it’s designed with a provider-agnostic approach, giving users the freedom to craft every detail of their trip—or keep it simple—without being tied to specific vendors. Built entirely through organic growth, the platform has an engaged user base and a treasure trove of real-time trip-planning data.
This is a rare opportunity for a buyer with an existing inventory of travel services and a vision for expansion. By introducing targeted booking options, strategic marketing, and revenue-generating features, you can transform this platform into a full-fledged travel marketplace. If you're ready to take a proven tool to the next level, this platform offers the data, loyal users, and potential to become a leader in personalized travel planning.
Seller Financing Available for a Well-Qualified Buyer.
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Listing Details
- Price: DH 0
- Down Payment: --
- Sellers Discretionary Earnings: DH 0
- Total Sales: DH 0
- Location:
- Inventory: DH 0
- FF&E: DH 0
- Employees:
- Year Established: 2013
- Reason for Selling: Retirement
- Category: Travel,Internet Related
Business Listed By:
- Taylor Bombardiere
- Phone: (720) 547-3111
- Email: