Seller Financing: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need

Seller Financing: The Only Guide You'll Ever Need

In business brokerage, we talk about financing options a lot, from the latest developments in SBA lending requirements, to up and coming alternative lenders. Financing is a key piece of a high number of our transactions, and for many buyers, its inclusion is the only way to get a deal done. For deals on the small side, that are harder to finance through traditional routes, or transactions involvin

Financing Options for Buying a Company

Financing Options for Buying a Company

To many buying a business may seem like an unaffordable pipe dream, but Transworld Business Advisors is here to tell you that simply is not true! There are a number of financing options for buying a company and if you work with a professional business broker, there is often room for creativity when it comes to structuring a deal to ensure a buyer can buy their ideal business and the seller receive

Seller Financing

Seller Financing

Transworld Business Advisors works in the small business mergers & acquisitions market, which means we work with a lot of family owned, main street type businesses. We love working with these types of small businesses, however these deals can be on the smaller side requiring creative financing (outside of traditional lenders) to get the business transaction done.   One way to get these deal

Purchase Price Payment

Purchase Price Payment

When it comes to buying a business, as the buyer, you may be apprehensive about paying the entire purchase price up front. No matter the transaction size, the purchase price is always going to seem like a pretty sizeable lump sum. However, it is pretty uncommon for a business buyer to pay the full purchase price at the closing table. There are several ways to finance the purchase of a business tha

Using an SBA Loan to Buy a Business

Using an SBA Loan to Buy a Business

The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Loan Program is a popular route for a buyer to finance the purchase of a business. Transworld Business Advisors is highly familiar with the SBA loan process and has quality, local partners working for SBA preferred lenders across the state that we can connect prospective buyers with. In the coming article we will briefly describe what a buyer can exp

The Financing Options for Buying a Business

The Financing Options for Buying a Business

When buyers come to Transworld - Rocky Mountain interested in purchasing a business, they often have questions on the options for financing their acquisition. There are quite a few ways to finance the purchase of a business and buyers may even choose to use multiple forms of financing within one transaction. The most common ways in which we see business buyers finance their purchase are cash, bank

Buy Side Financial Disclosure

Buy Side Financial Disclosure

How to finance the purchase of a business is one of the bigger decisions to be made during the business acquisition process. Because of this, one of the initial steps when working with a buyer is to ensure they are financially qualified to make the business purchase. In the following discussion we will dissect the ins and outs of buy side financial disclosure.   There are several main reaso

How to Finance the Purchase of a Business?

How to Finance the Purchase of a Business?

How to Finance the Purchase of a Business? The idea of business ownership is a beautiful thing. It comes with dreams of flexible vacation schedules and contributing to your community, but then it all comes to a screeching halt when you begin to think about how to actually make it happen. Fear not! There a number of ways to purchase a business, one of which is surely to suit your financial situati

Addressing the Changes to the Standard Operating Procedures of the SBA Loan Program

Addressing the Changes to the Standard Operating Procedures of the SBA Loan Program

Dear Current and Future Clients, The last quarter of the year is a time for strategic planning for the next year and with this preparation comes a chance to ensure we are supporting our current and future clients as best we can. So with that, we would like to address the changes in the Standard Operating Procedures for the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) loan program that will be pu

Using the SBA Loan Program to Finance a Business Acquisition

Using the SBA Loan Program to Finance a Business Acquisition

Using the SBA Loan Program to finance a business acquisition is a great financial tool. Transworld has great familiarity with this loan program and works with various lenders with the SBA preferred lender designation on a regular basis. In the following brief discussion, we will outline the basics of using an SBA loan to buy a business. An SBA loan is partially guaranteed by the United States' Sma

An Overview of Seller Financing in a Business Transaction

An Overview of Seller Financing in a Business Transaction

Almost 90% of business owners have never sold a business before. So if you are beginning your research on how to sell your business, and haven't got a clue where to start, you are not alone. One of the many terms thrown around in discussions of a business acquisition or sale is seller financing. A term that almost immediately solicits a negative reaction from most sellers, it is not one that sho

What is Seller Financing?

What is Seller Financing?

"Financing. Where do I get it?" It's one of the most frequently asked questions we encounter with potential business buyers and, perhaps, the one with the biggest number of answers! At Transworld, we specialize in walking buyers through different financing options. Some options are well-known, like SBA Loans, Conventional Loans, and the use of private investors. Other financing options may not be

SBA Loan Closed in 15 Days!

SBA Loan Closed in 15 Days!

There are many ways to finance a business acquisition, and one of those ways is through the SBA 7(a) program. With this program, you are typically required to put 20-30% of the business purchase price down and the rest is financed over a 25 year period.   All banks have their own specific requirements for the loan. Recently one of our partner lenders was able to secure and close financing f

What Financing Methods Are Available When Purchasing A Business?

What Financing Methods Are Available When Purchasing A Business?

If you are interested in purchasing your own business and becoming your own boss but aren't sure if you have the finances to do so, you are not alone. A lot of people aren't aware that there are multiple ways to finance the purchase of a business. The most common ways we see people finance the purchase of a business are Cash, Bank Financing, Seller Financing, and Investors. Cash You can take m

A Guide to Seller Financing

A Guide to Seller Financing

What is Seller Financing? Financing is a difficult topic to address and one that comes up frequently in the brokerage business. The sheer number of options and varying business conditions makes each financing situation unique. At Transworld, we specialize in working with buyers to find the optimal financing option for their specific situation. Some of these options are well-known, like paying cas

Purchase Price Payment

Purchase Price Payment

As a buyer, you might be nervous that you will be required to pay the entirety of a business's purchase price up front. No matter the business, the purchase price is likely going to be a large sum of money that would make anyone woozy thinking about paying it in full on the spot. However, there are actually several ways to purchase a business and no they do not require the buyer to pay the entire

Financing a Business Purchase Through an SBA Loan

Financing a Business Purchase Through an SBA Loan

There are a number of ways to finance the purchase of a business including but not limited to cash, a combination of cash and a promissory note, through a 401(k) rollover investment or an SBA loan. Today we will be discussing the latter, the SBA loan. In the coming discussion, you will learn what the SBA loan qualification and closing process look like. An SBA loan is a type of loan where a porti

Seller Financing: The Key to Getting Smaller Deals Done

Seller Financing: The Key to Getting Smaller Deals Done

Question: How am I going to make your life easier? Answer: Seller Financing! This exchange was repeated many times during my first broker training class at the Transworld headquarters. Our instructor, a veteran business broker with over 30 years of experience, kept repeating these statements - drilling them into our head. But alas it worked, because I still remember it clearly years later.&nb