Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business in Southern Ohio? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business in Southern Ohio? What You Need to Know in 2022

How people accessed many personal care experiences changed during the pandemic, but the industry adapted in many ways like by going online with their products or taking a more natural approach. The world has reopened, and beauty-based companies continue to rebound, so you may be asking—is now a good time to sell? Selling a beauty or personal care business in Southern Ohio is not very differ

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in Southern Ohio

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in Southern Ohio

From the pandemic’s supply chain issues to the current worries over rising inflation, many small businesses have been struggling to adapt to the sudden shifts of today’s economy. With inflation in June hitting 9.1%, more than the Dow Jones estimate of 8.8% for the month, more and more businesses are worrying about how exactly inflation has and will impact their business, and if now is

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business?

How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business?

Homebuyers are familiar with the mantra—location, location, location. Well for a business owner looking to sell their business, there’s an equally important phrase to remember—timing, timing, timing. But if you are looking into selling your business, what does that mean for you? And exactly how long will the process take? This graph represents the average number of months to