How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in Boston

How Inflation Impacts the Sale of your Small Business in Boston

From the pandemic’s supply chain issues to the current worries over rising inflation, many small businesses have been struggling to adapt to the sudden shifts of today’s economy. With inflation in June hitting 9.1%, more than the Dow Jones estimate of 8.8% for the month, more and more businesses are worrying about how exactly inflation has and will impact their business, and if now is

Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business in Boston? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Beauty or Personal Care Business in Boston? What You Need to Know in 2022

Time and time again, the beauty and personal care industry has proven to be resilient during challenging times by adapting and changing to their audience. The world has reopened, and beauty-based companies continue to rebound, so you may be asking—is now a good time to sell? Selling a beauty or personal care business in Boston is not very different than selling any type of business. Th

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business in Boston? What You Need to Know in 2022

Thinking of Selling Your Construction Business in Boston? What You Need to Know in 2022

  After a bit of a tough turn during the pandemic, the construction industry has come roaring back to life. Demand is growing, with an increase of almost 9% anticipated for 2022 for this industry segment within the U.S. market. While supply chain disruptions and shortages of skilled workers may be continuing to cause hiccups for some, the overall outlook is very positive, particularly in te

Selling Your Medical Business or Practice| Transworld Boston

Selling Your Medical Business or Practice| Transworld Boston

Thinking of Selling Your Health Care Business or Practice in Boston? What You Need to Know in 2022.  Health care is an industry that is constantly growing and evolving as new technologies and discoveries change treatments and care. This reality is truer than ever as the world has seen during the recent COVID-19 health care crisis. If you are looking to sell your health care business, the co

Selling Your Cleaning Business | Transworld Boston

Selling Your Cleaning Business | Transworld Boston

Thinking of Selling Your Cleaning Service in Boston? What You Need to Know in 2022 Americans started 2021 by cleaning house—literally. The COVID-19 pandemic kick-started worldwide hygiene awareness and majorly boosted demand for cleaning businesses. It wasn’t just about safety—it was about peace of mind. Residential cleaners, maids, janitors, and other sanitation professionals s

Selling Your Restaurant | Transworld Boston

Selling Your Restaurant | Transworld Boston

Thinking of Selling Your Restaurant? What You Need to Know in 2022 If you’ve been following the news over the last few years, you know that business sales are up—way up—for certain industries, including restaurants. And if you’re like many restaurant owners, you’ve been thinking about selling your business, too. It’s easy to see why. Record-setting sales (both

Managing Director, Aaron Fox Completes the Sale of a Pediatric Therapy Center in Greater Boston

Managing Director, Aaron Fox Completes the Sale of a Pediatric Therapy Center in Greater Boston

Managing Director, Aaron Fox Completes the Sale of a Pediatric Therapy Center in Greater Boston Boston, Massachusetts United States September 2021   Transworld Business Advisors of North Boston is pleased to announce the recent sale of a pediatric therapy center in Greater Boston which was completed by North Boston managing director, Aaron Fox.  Aaron’s 15 years of small

Business Broker, Matthew Plante, of Transworld Business Advisors of North Boston structures asset sale for petroleum transportation company

Business Broker, Matthew Plante, of Transworld Business Advisors of North Boston structures asset sale for petroleum transportation company

Business Broker, Matthew Plante, of Transworld Business Advisors of North Boston structures asset sale for petroleum transportation company Boston, Massachusetts United States June 2021 Transworld Business Advisors of North Boston is pleased to recognize business broker, Matthew Plante on his role in a recent transaction of an asset sale of a petroleum transportation company. Matt br

Business Broker, Mark Tremblay Completes the Sale of an ACE Hardware Store

Business Broker, Mark Tremblay Completes the Sale of an ACE Hardware Store

Business Broker, Mark Tremblay Completes the Sale of an ACE Hardware Store Data Destruction and Equipment Recycling Business Marblehead, Massachusetts February 12, 2021 Transworld Business Advisors of North Boston, is pleased to recognize Business Broker, Mark Tremblay on his most recent sale of ACE Hardware Store located in Marblehead.  Mark’s thirty ye

Is COVID still a concern in Boston when thinking about selling my business?

Is COVID still a concern in Boston when thinking about selling my business?

You would be hard-pressed to find a region in this country, let alone the world, that remained unaffected by COVID-19. Although some places were impacted more severely than others, major cities in the US certainly experienced some of the most challenging months in modern history. That said, the United States is a very big country, and something that may seem catastrophic in one corner, may not be