The Small Business Owner's Guide to the CARES Act

The Small Business Owner's Guide to the CARES Act

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain nonprofits and other employers. This guide provides information about the major programs a

What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One?

What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One?

What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One?   What is a BPO and Why Do You Need One? What is a broker price opinion? Simply put a broker price opinion provides a business owner with a value for their small business based on market variables, comparable sales data, and industry expertise that a buyer would willingly pay for the business on the open market. Some of the factors

Your Business Valuation is Too High! A Guide to What Your Business is Worth

Your Business Valuation is Too High! A Guide to What Your Business is Worth

The number one question I’m asked, is what is my business worth? It’s a question every business owner has on their mind. Maybe it is because they want to sell, maybe they are just curious. And it should be a simple answer, but unfortunately, it’s not. First, we should start with the fact that businesses are valued in different ways, for different reasons. For the purpo

Some Fatal Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Business

Some Fatal Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Business

12 Fatal Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Business   Selling a business is not easy. Each deal has its challenges and nuances. I guess that is why I love what I do, and I also know how valuable our service is at Transworld.    Many people think it's as easy as placing an advertisement somewhere and wait for the perfect buyer to call. I wish I could say it was that easy.

How do I Buy an Established Business

How do I Buy an Established Business

If you are interested in running a business but do not want to go through the process of developing an idea and getting it off the ground, you might consider buying an existing business. Below are a few of the many benefits of buying an existing business along with a couple of tips that potential buyers should keep in mind before making a purchase.  Advantages of Buying an Existing Business

12 Cities with The Highest Small Business Growth

12 Cities with The Highest Small Business Growth

The United States is a very large country where every state can sometimes feel like its own small country. The differences in cultural identity, available resources, and historical integrity mean that each state and their corresponding cities are likely to have a different thriving industry. Spread out between Oregon, Missouri, Florida, and Texas, the top 12 cities for entrepreneurship have seen i

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Blockchain Technology Businesses

5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Blockchain Technology Businesses

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you may have heard of bitcoin. Whether you fully understand what it is or not, the word is used often in every media platform. You may have heard of its strength, fluctuations, and many financial experts claiming it is the future of finance. There is no doubt that whether or not you fully grasp the use or importance of blockchain or bitcoin, that it is worth re

Is 2019 The Year of Entrepreneurship?

Is 2019 The Year of Entrepreneurship?

The future is digital – actually, the present is digital, and that means businesses with a technological component are becoming more and more popular. Industry experts are calling 2019 the year of entrepreneurship. As a business owner hoping to sell, this just might be the year to do that. As a franchise owner looking for new opportunities, preparing your business for sale could be the best

Breaking a Sale to Your Staff

Breaking a Sale to Your Staff

Selling your business can itself be a daunting prospect, and that’s even before you have to think about how and when to tell your staff, and how they will react.   Change can be unsettling, but if the process of delivering the announcement is properly prepared, it doesn't have to be a negative event.   So, here are some tips on how to handle the situation when you break the new

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

Considering Selling Your Business? Tips for Keeping Your Potential Sale Confidential

When considering selling your business, it is crucial that the potential sale remains confidential. Having employees, customers and vendors learn of a possible sale can have devastating consequences on the business. For instance, customers may leave, employees may seek out other opportunities and the valuation of your business may decrease. These problems may weaken your bargaining position as you

Buying an Existing Business? Advantages and Tips to Consider Before Making Your Purchase

Buying an Existing Business? Advantages and Tips to Consider Before Making Your Purchase

If you are interested in running a business but do not want to go through the process of developing an idea and getting it off the ground, you might consider buying an existing business. Below are a few of the many benefits of buying an existing business along with a couple tips that potential buyers should keep in mind before making a purchase. Advantages of Buying an Existing Business Skip the

Company Exit Strategy: Is Selling Your Business the Right Exit Strategy for You and Your Business?

Company Exit Strategy: Is Selling Your Business the Right Exit Strategy for You and Your Business?

While we hear a lot about starting a business, it is not every day that we hear about leaving a business. There are many reasons why people consider exiting a business; no matter the reason, it is always good to ensure that you meet your business goals and get a fair return on the sale. There are several exit strategies a business owner can choose from when they have decided the time has come to e

Company Acquisition Process: What You Need to Know as a Seller

Company Acquisition Process: What You Need to Know as a Seller

A company acquisition is a great selling option for owners of high-earning, high-growth companies that need more capital or expertise, or simply wish to sell the business to a larger company. Whether your goal is to raise capital for your growing company or find a strategic buyer to complete an acquisition, working with a broker who can guide you through the process is key. Representing yourself i

Advertise My Business for Sale: How and Where to Market Your Business

Advertise My Business for Sale: How and Where to Market Your Business

Need to advertise that your business is for sale? Even the most successful business owners often lack the experience and time to advertise that their business is for sale while running day-to-day business operations. Fortunately, working with a business broker can help you target and reach potential buyers for your firm while keeping the potential sale of your company confidential. Additionall

Businesses for Sale: How to Find and Buy a Business

Businesses for Sale: How to Find and Buy a Business

There are many search tools available on the web to locate potential businesses for sale. These listings provide a snap shot of the opportunity for the prospective buyer.� Working with a business broker helps potential buyers to not just find an opportunity but also evaluate the right opportunity. Beyond the business listing, here are some core things to look for when evaluating the right bu

10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch the 9-5 and Buy â?? Rather Than Start â?? a Business

10 Reasons Why You Should Ditch the 9-5 and Buy â?? Rather Than Start â?? a Business

From a recognized brand to a proven trading history, find out why an established enterprise is a safer, less stressful route to entrepreneurial success. Is it better to start your own business or buy an existing one? The smart solution is arguably to purchase a proven enterprise and make it your own over time. Here are 10 reasons why doing so it's generally less risky, less stressful and more lik

Packaging the Sale of Your Business: Making Your Company Marketable in a Crowded Field

Packaging the Sale of Your Business: Making Your Company Marketable in a Crowded Field

When you are packaging your business for sale, the uniqueness of your business makes it more attractive to acquirers. Having unique factors such as a defined brand identity, along with practical qualities. like a dedicated customer base, is hugely beneficial to prospective buyers. Here are some examples of features that make a business stand out from the rest: Brand name A good name can attract cu

Business Buyer Personas: Exploring the Different Types of Potential Buyers for Your Business

Business Buyer Personas: Exploring the Different Types of Potential Buyers for Your Business

There are many reasons why people seek to buy businesses. In this article, we outline the three main types of buyers that prospective sellers are likely to encounter: Individual Buyers, Strategic Buyers and Financial Buyers. Since each of these buyer types comes with their own unique interests and behaviors, understanding their personas and motives can help you maximize the value of your business

Business Brokers: How to Choose the Right Business Brokerage Firm

Business Brokers: How to Choose the Right Business Brokerage Firm

Buying or selling a business can be a stressful time. Choosing an adviser to help you through the critical steps in the process is key to a successful transaction. From research to close, it is important to understand what your business broker will do for you, know the costs associated with hiring a broker, and conduct a careful evaluation of their track record and success. What Your Business Br

Top 5 Myths About Selling a Business

Top 5 Myths About Selling a Business

We've debunked the misunderstandings that leave so many sellers woefully unprepared when they put their business on the market.[/caption] When you've never done it before, selling a business can seem a daunting prospect. Though it's not like selling property or an automobile, one principle nevertheless remains the same: if you want a good selling experience, you must take time to understand what

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

Confidentiality Hacks: How to keep your business sale a secret

[caption id="attachment_831" align="alignnone" width="992"] Confidentiality Hacks[/caption]A large part of the value of any business is linked with its reputation. However, when an enterprise is put on the market, its good name can be one of the hardest things to protect as the sale process evolves. Rumors may begin to circulate once employees, customers, and suppliers notice a sudden interest fro

Killed by Culture: Why Culture Matters in Mergers and Acquisition

Killed by Culture: Why Culture Matters in Mergers and Acquisition

Although we often hear about how mergers and acquisitions (M&A) offer companies exceptional growth opportunities, we rarely hear about how well the cultures of the combined companies mesh. That may be because this combination of corporate cultures is often more like a culture clash — and it can result in extremely negative consequences for many businesses unless it is properly addressed at

Is It the Right Time to Sell Your Business? Determining When It's the Right Time to Sell

Is It the Right Time to Sell Your Business? Determining When It's the Right Time to Sell

Determining what is the right time to sell a business can be an emotional process. Investors, employees and relatives who have all contributed to sustaining the business or are depending on the business for their livelihoods can elevate tension when making the final decision to sell. Since 44% of recent buyers look online first to buy, having professional guidance from a business advisor that can

Profitable Business Industries: 2016's Hot Industries for Growth

Profitable Business Industries: 2016's Hot Industries for Growth

If you're considering buying a business, knowing some of the top businesses in 2016 that are growing the fastest can benefit you greatly. Carefully selecting from a list of profitable industries can ensure you choose the right direction that suits your needs and maximizes your profit. Why guess, when you can hold the cards in your hand? Top Industries for Growth in 2016 Internet growth, environ

How Much is My Business Worth? Understanding the Different Standards for Valuating Your Business

How Much is My Business Worth? Understanding the Different Standards for Valuating Your Business

Knowing what your business is worth is key to selling it at a profit. Your business valuation is also likely to be the first concern of potential buyers. So how do you properly determine the value of your business? The answer can be complex and somewhat confusing because business valuation is an art, not a science. Valuations are subject to the appraiser's judgment, skill, and quality of methodo

Expanding as a Chain or Franchise: What You Need to Know

Expanding as a Chain or Franchise: What You Need to Know

Your business is a success so now you are considering expansion. You want to build on your existing strengths and reap the benefits of your hard work. But should you franchise your blueprint for others to follow, or clone your existing business in new locations? Answering that question correctly is the most critical decision you will make. So, here’s a rundown of what you should to take in

Industries to Watch In 2018

Industries to Watch In 2018

You know what they say: New year, new you. If 2018 is the year you want to pursue your business dreams, look no further than Transworld Business Advisors to help those dreams come true. With years of experience in the franchise industry, Transworld’s professional business advisors have the industry insights and continually build upon their experiences to identify the latest trends. There a